4 Weaknesses of cloud storage gateway

In the past one network was enough for all the users and applications. Everything was under one roof and was enough. But today’s workloads are difficult. They are unpredictable and require smart management. Today cloud came along and it presents a number of new opportunities. You can have multiple parameters, providers and connections. They can extend to how much you require.

Connecting to cloud through many networks is costly and it is time-consuming as well. Adding more and more networks can lead to complexity, plus managing security is also difficult. Cloud has solutions, and it provides better management. Cloud storage gateway removes all these concerns and provides fast and easy management. It unifies all your resources with single enforcement point.

You can transform your network and enhance your security. You canal so rapidly connect to any cloud service provider of your choice. But with every advancement in technology you face a challenges. As it is said nothing is perfect and complete. Cloud gateway also has some of the weaknesses.

High Egress costs

Public clouds have been using for the archival storage or backup data which is rarely access. Each time the data is retrieved the egress costs is applied. Thus it makes it expensive to store active data sets. Cloud storage gateways don’t help with the egress charges.

Doesn’t support CIFS/NFS

Almost all the application used by the enterprises today are compatible with the CIFS/SMB and NFS file sharing protocols. Through them the applications can read and write form any file server which supports these standards. In cloud storage gateway the case is not similar.

Doesn’t allow high performance file access

Latency has been always a major blocker to use object storage for day to day file sharing. Cloud storage gateway doesn’t solve the latency problem. The file system is designed for the object storage. The file latency challenge comes on the way. Still they require the average of 20% of the hardware resources, as they are only caching the active files. The enterprises can yet choose the flash-optimized physical appliances.

Doesn’t provide hierarchical folder structure

The structure is not suitable for the traditional NAS and file server use cases. Human minds like the organized and hierarchy structures. Cloud storage gateway doesn’t offer the file system. With cloud storage gateway, the enterprise IT gets to have unlimited scalability, and fast acceptance rate.