Enterprise NAS storage and the Finance industry - How is NAS evolving the industry

The financial world is not an exception to the growing trend of cloud computing and cost reduction initiatives. Data storage considerations used to be pretty straightforward: most Network attached storage has dropped its prices enough to make it the most cost-effective solution for many businesses.

The Banking, Financial Services, and Insurance industries are slowly becoming more digitalized with each passing day, leading to the requirement for new storage solutions that are integrated into the existing IT backbone.In this article, we will see how enterprise NAS storage is slowly taking over the storage infrastructure of financial organizations globally.

Enterprise NAS storage provides centralized management

Enterprise NAS storage provides centralized management of servers, more performance, and redundancy than DAS storage and multiple portable hard drives into one centralized storage. Multiple users can access a NAS storage device through standard password authentication. It provides centralized management, filesharing, and data security benefits similar to SANs while simplifying certain key processes for an organization.

If you are interested in SSO (super scale-out) enterprise NAS storage appliances with Deduplication, AES 256-bit encryption,Sync/async multi-appliance/multi-site replication, we recommend checking out StoneFly.

Enterprise NAS storage has high availability

In the finance industry, data storage is a field where time is of the essence. Within certain organizations, there's a great deal of money tied up in trading and investment transactions, and ensuring that information is available to be processed at all times is critical. With its high level of availability, Enterprise NAS storage offers the best out-of-the-box protection against data loss.

Enterprise NAS storage provides fast access to files

Among the various NAS solutions available, one would certainly want to use them in a financial institution. The speed and flexibility of NAS storage are much more advanced than traditional drives like an HDD or SSD, giving your organization an advantage when it comes to backup data solutions.

NAS Storage keeps the files secure

NAS storage allows banks to store, access and share important data in a secure environment offering much-needed storage space. Such data is usually highly confidential and thus must be made secure at all times.The enterprise NAS systems ensure that all files are safe at any given time,regardless of their size or type.

Bottom Line

In today's era of long-term survival, institutions must focus on developing the industry, which makes it important for branch offices to cut costs by reducing or eliminating storage or servers that are"integral" to the office systems. This is where Network Attached Storage is moving in to act as an integral part of any branch office.

Network Attached Storage is becoming more and more popular among organizations in the finance industry that depend on their network to host locally-stored user data, help maintain the performance of their internal server, migrate current storage for future implementation, offer disaster recovery alternatives to improve productivity and mobile devices by providing file access options.